Thursday, August 14, 2008

When Worlds Collide and After Worlds Collide

Hello every one, I wrote a summary from memory of two of my favorite scifipie books ever. When Worlds Collide, and After Worlds Collide. These two books helped to shape my dreams of outer space and science and also fanned the fires of a love for sci-fi that warms me up still!

When Worlds Collide and After Worlds Collide

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Expert Author Status On

Hey, Guess what?!? I have been awarded Expert Author Status for Scifipie Guy from Ezine Articles! I submitted my first article to them titled What is Solar Energy Really?, and am now entitled to display this cool logo on all my webpages!

Anyone who chooses to may reprint this article free as long as they adhere to the Ezine guidelines for publishers.

As Featured On Ezine Articles

I think it's fantastic that they liked this article so much that they have awarded me this honorable status. I will do my best to uphold my expert title in all my future article writing.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Packin the K

While checking on Twitter, I noticed Matt Cutts posted a tweet about Wordpress getting an "Pwnie" award. Being a fan of Matt's, I decided to click the link, after all, the Head of Google Anti-spam unit posted the link, right?

Who would have known it would take me to Being the honest person that I am, and all the years I have been on the internet, I have never purposely gone to such a site. I think it's funny that the head of Google anti-spam posted a link that took me there.

So, here's the link. Check out the Pwnie Award yourself. Just make sure that you view the video called "Packin the K". I got a good laugh out of it. Time well spent.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

"Top SEO Firms Paid for by the Following..."

Hey all,

I follow Matt Cutts, Head of Google anti-spam on his Twitter account. Can't hurt to keep up with the folks at Google...anyhow, I read this article he linked to and boy, this guy Mark Jackson makes some valid points regarding SEO marketing firms buying themselves titles for best marketing seo blah blah, one in particular that goes like this: "Top 10 Most Dependable Search Engine Marketing Firms of the United States." Read the article and make up your own mind.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

scifipie guy likes twitter

I love my Twitter. Really, I do. It's cool to follow what people are twittering about. You get to see what different people are doing with their lives. I follow a couple of very prolific twitterers. One lady, Pistachio, chronicles her work, social, and family life with her two young daughters. She even posted video of herself and friends doing Karaoke. Too bad she lives so far away, she's cute and dating.....anyhow, I also follow the local weatherman, Mike Randall, who does a lot of Mark Twain type stuff.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

scifipie part deux - 2 independent ideas?

Hello, Is it truly possible for two people to really come up with the same funny sounding pet name for scifi? I personally find it extremely difficult to believe that two people could share the same exact idea within a short time frame for a name like "scifipie". While this blog is relatively new, I have had the website scifipie since August 2007. Edit here: I let the site go and didn't renew it. End edit. 5/4/2010. While I will admit that my ideas for the site have languished a bit while I was working hard to earn a living for my family, I don't especially relish the idea of someone taking my registered domain name to use for their own blog.

The gentleman who created this imitation? scifipie blog might stumble upon this post, and I hope he replies to the email I sent him soon. I am very curious to know the answer as to how he came up with scifipie apparently 6 months or so after I registered the name scifipie, as that is how it appears his first blog posts are dated.


Friday, August 1, 2008

Google insists that no manual intervention occurs in search results

Here is an article by Amit Singhal about Google Ranking where they list these three philosophies for search algorithms.

1) Best locally relevant results served globally.
2) Keep it simple.
3) No manual intervention

With all the blogging about the new search engine Cuil, who state they are a direct competitor of Google, and the new Google Knol search. It's nice to see that Google steps up to directly counter the accusations of manual intervention of SERPs. Kudos to Google.

Welcome to Scifipie Guy's Blog

I hope you derived some benefit from spending your time here. Please come back and visit again if you like what you read.