Hello, Is it truly possible for two people to really come up with the same funny sounding pet name for scifi? I personally find it extremely difficult to believe that two people could share the same exact idea within a short time frame for a name like "scifipie". While this blog is relatively new, I have had the website scifipie since August 2007. Edit here: I let the site go and didn't renew it. End edit. 5/4/2010. While I will admit that my ideas for the site have languished a bit while I was working hard to earn a living for my family, I don't especially relish the idea of someone taking my registered domain name to use for their own blog.
The gentleman who created this imitation? scifipie blog might stumble upon this post, and I hope he replies to the email I sent him soon. I am very curious to know the answer as to how he came up with scifipie apparently 6 months or so after I registered the name scifipie, as that is how it appears his first blog posts are dated.
The 'Progressive Moment' is Over
I don't know if we're talking about just a "moment." We should be burying a
movement. And they're not "progressives." They're leftists, communists.
2 weeks ago
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