Saturday, August 27, 2016

What #altrightmeans to me

I haven't posted in forever, and I'm going to take this blog in a new direction.

What #altrightmeans to me. It means nationalism. Being proud of your nation, or tribe. Yes, tribe. My tribe is America, First and foremost. I'm proud of our western civilization in America. If you're an American, you should be proud of it, and defend it constantly.

I don't care what race you are if you espouse truly American values. I know there are some that claim altrightmeans only white nationalism. I don't agree. There are many races that feel the need to preserve our unique American culture.

You can be altright in any nation. It means you put your nation first before all others. First in trade. First in line, for absolutely everything.

I don't think bringing in other cultures is a good thing, diversity is not good. It dilutes a culture. I'm not saying immigration is bad, if the immigrant want to integrate into the culture it moves to. However, non integration leads to pockets of other cultures that don't blend in, leading to divisiveness and resentment, which leads to strife and cultural clashes.

So, if you want to move to America, and be an American, blend into our way of life and conform to our ways and live by our laws. If you do that, I have no problem with you. If you want to come and not integrate, I do have a problem.

Feel free to leave comments.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

One of the things that annoy me most: reading articles, blogs, posts, etc., written by people who try so very hard to come across as being intelligent, yet are written with so many misspelled words and such terrible grammar, as to be utterly laughable, weren't it actually so sad.

Seriously, how smart do these people think they come across as being when they can't type a few sentences without screwing up simple words and/or mixing up the wording so badly that most people can't decipher what was meant? Did they never hear of spell-check or a dictionary? What school did they graduate from? Have they never read a book?

I was reading Huffington Post earlier, some rantings about Obama legalizing pot and so forth. Anyhow, I'm reading these posts and I'm laughing to myself. Why am I laughing? I'll tell you why. These people are all saying how pot isn't bad for you, and it should be legal. How it doesn't interfere with this or that, and it doesn't make you stupid or anything.

Well, if you didn't just spell half the words in your post wrong, I might believe you. Seriously though, you just made it worse for your cause. You just made all pot smokers sound as stupid as you sound with all the words you just spelled wrong in your response!

Think about it a moment. If you can't spell worth a damn, what makes you think that anyone else will think you're smart?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Scifipie Guy is back!

Hello everyone, long time no see. I had to take a hiatus for awhile.
Well, I'm back and my site will be up again soon!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bailout of Millionaires on the backs of the poor

Man, I am disgusted at the give-away of our tax dollars to the multi-millionaire "investors" on Wall St. First off, they couldn't manage the first batch of money they had, now they want to use OUR money to cover their bad investments!

It is my firm belief that the Gov't should have let them fail and go bankrupt. Isn't that what a free-market economy is all about? You have the opportunity to fail or succeed on your own. Why should the American people have to cover for those losers? They're all a bunch of hose-bags as far as I'm concerned.

When I have to struggle just to have money for food after paying rent, utilities, and all the other expenses of day-to-day life, I can barely afford to eat properly. Why should my money go to those arrogant, manipulative "players" on Wall St.? I need my money to live, screw them. The gov't should be able to recover all the millions and billions that those "Top-executives" got paid to run those companies into the ground, and put them in jail where those crooks belong!

Why should Joe Q. Public once again have to pay for the rich people's lifestyles?

This government needs a real change, and forget Barack Obama, he wasn't even born in this country. When are we going to see proof that he was born here? I want to see his birth certificate displayed prominently on the web for all to see, and verify its authenticity. Rumor has it that his grandma witnessed his birth in another country! What's the real story?

My vote is for McCain, the lesser of two evils, imho.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Free Speech Rocks the World as Republicans Vote No to a Bailout

With all the talk about another taxpayer funded bailout, this time of the Wall Street racketeers, the American Voice has been heard. How ironic that the Republicans have blocked the Bush push and voted no to a bill for a huge taxpayer funded bailout of Wall Street that noone is even sure will help!

These "Wall Street Tycoons" have already gotten rich from making high-risk loans to people who couldn't afford them so that the Bush dream of "Every American owning a home" could be realized. They knew years ago that they were making bad loans.

They knew the bad loans were going to destroy those people and their dreams, and they also knew that someone was going to be left holding useless paper to back the mortgages. They knew you and I would be left holding the tab! They didn't care! They were making millions upon millions of dollars, buying fancy cars and yachts for their vacation homes, and indulging in a luxurious lifestyle that you and I can only dream of. They have no personal accountability!

Making hundreds of billions more of our dollars available to them isn't going to help anyone, except for the same con artists called CEOs who aren't held accountable. Why should they care? They have their "Golden Parachute" plans in place wherein that in the case of them running the company into the ground, they still get millions of dollars! Even if they get fired! That's totally insane.

There was severe lack of any kind of oversight of the mortgage industry, and the Amercian Taxpayer should not have to foot the bill for those same criminals that have already screwed everyone over. Now, I know that using the word criminals is pretty strong, but I feel it is a fair indictment of them, especially when they had foreknowledge of what their actions were going to lead to. One need only to hear the memos these executives wrote to each other hoping to be retired before the shit hit the fan.

If anyone should have to pay for this mess, it should be those executives who caused this mess. The government should freeze, then seize, the assets of all the guilty senior executives of those companies that were run into the ground. I think this country needs a zero tolerance law for those corporate criminals, much like the laws they use against drug dealers. Take all of their assets and put them in the fund for pensioneers and legitimate investors who got the corporate shaft.

I feel bad for the average American who invested money in those "Financial Institutions" that have now gone bankrupt. Pensions lost, 401k savings wiped out, small businesses not being able to get credit, etc. There should be more outrage at those greedy pigs than there currently is, that's for sure!

You never see the American people demonstrating in the streets of this country very often anymore, unlike what you see on the tv from other countries where the people actually march on government buildings when they get pissed off!

Are we to be complacent sheep, simply content to let the wolves herd us around, picking us off one by one, or are we free, intelligent, strong, and ready to fight for what is right? Let your voice be heard! Say no to corporate greed now! Shout it out, tell the politicans that you're mad as hell, and you're not going to take it anymore!

Maybe it's time for some real reform in this country. I don't believe in any of the current politicians at all. Perhaps it's time for a complete overhaul of governemt, and the implementation of a true democracy in this country. Who's with me?

Monday, September 1, 2008

I never knew about the "continents of floating garbage"

I came across this article and never knew it was possible, much less for real! Large floating masses of garbage twice the size of Texas killing fish and birds, smothering life on the sea floor, releasing toxic chemicals everywhere...we need to take some kind of action now! Sarah Palin can help us maybe....

"Continents of floating garbage" Read it for yourself. You will be as amazed as I was. This is definitely a problem to be confronted head-on.

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