Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bailout of Millionaires on the backs of the poor

Man, I am disgusted at the give-away of our tax dollars to the multi-millionaire "investors" on Wall St. First off, they couldn't manage the first batch of money they had, now they want to use OUR money to cover their bad investments!

It is my firm belief that the Gov't should have let them fail and go bankrupt. Isn't that what a free-market economy is all about? You have the opportunity to fail or succeed on your own. Why should the American people have to cover for those losers? They're all a bunch of hose-bags as far as I'm concerned.

When I have to struggle just to have money for food after paying rent, utilities, and all the other expenses of day-to-day life, I can barely afford to eat properly. Why should my money go to those arrogant, manipulative "players" on Wall St.? I need my money to live, screw them. The gov't should be able to recover all the millions and billions that those "Top-executives" got paid to run those companies into the ground, and put them in jail where those crooks belong!

Why should Joe Q. Public once again have to pay for the rich people's lifestyles?

This government needs a real change, and forget Barack Obama, he wasn't even born in this country. When are we going to see proof that he was born here? I want to see his birth certificate displayed prominently on the web for all to see, and verify its authenticity. Rumor has it that his grandma witnessed his birth in another country! What's the real story?

My vote is for McCain, the lesser of two evils, imho.

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